
Research isn’t the only thing that’s puzzling.
Annual cow photo.
Kara and Lois in the lab.
Arvind and Qingyue at George’s art show.
Holiday photo with the Swiss Alps outside the window (no, what makes you think that’s a projector?)
This photo was taken while observing laser safety guidelines.
Farewell gathering for Suzette at the Baker Lab courtyard
At the BioSAXS beamline at CHESS, looking surprisingly lively after 1-2 days with no sleep

Obligatory pandemic Zoom group photo
Installation of the BioXolver home X-ray source
Operating a lathe in the LASSP student machine shop
With the statue of Cornelia the Cow at the Cornell Dairy Bar

The group in 2019

Evidently, only Lois got the memo that winter started.
In the Cornell Botanical Gardens

The group in 2016
Bowling at Helen Newman Hall
In our lab with our beamline setup
The group in 2015