Lois Pollack
E-mail: lp26@cornell.edu
Office: (607)255-8695
Mailing Address
Pollack Lab
G62 PSB Clark Hall,
Cornell University,
Ithaca, NY 14853
Prospective Students and Postdocs
As a lab we welcome all individuals regardless of race, sexual orientation, nationality, gender identity, religion, or disability.
Postdoctoral Associates
Postdocs who are interested in learning more about our work are encouraged to set up an appointment.
Please e-mail Lois Pollack at lp26@cornell.edu with a cover letter and CV.
Graduate Students
Masters students in AEP and Ph.D. students in the fields of Applied Physics, Physics, and Biophysics who are interested in learning more about our work are encouraged to set up an appointment.
Please e-mail Lois Pollack at lp26@cornell.edu and include a cover letter describing your interests and goals.
Undergraduate Students
Motivated undergraduates who are interested in learning about potential projects can contact Lois via e-mail at lp26@cornell.edu. Please include a cover letter to describe your interests and goals.
What is the work environment like in the Pollack lab?
We maintain a very friendly and collaborative atmosphere at all levels (within the lab, with other research groups at Cornell, and with research groups outside Cornell). This emphasis on teamwork and collaboration allows us to take on challenging projects and draw upon the expertise of scientists from a variety of backgrounds and specialties.
What kind of work do you do in the Pollack lab?
Our lab is strongly devoted towards the development of new techniques and strategies for studying the structure and dynamics of biomolecules as well as the physics that governs them.
Most of our work is based on small angle x-ray scattering (SAXS) approaches and we regularly conduct experiments and develop new SAXS strategies at Cornell’s synchrotron (CHESS).
In addition to x-rays, we also build our own microscopes to employ fluorescence approaches including single-molecule Forster resonance energy transfer (FRET), fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS), and time-resolved FRET with microfluidic mixers.
Since Lois is a toolmaker at heart, she encourages everyone to apply creativity to constantly improve upon and redesign both experimental and computational tools to advance our capabilities.
In support of this effort, we regularly access many of Cornell’s facilities including:
- Cornell High Energy Synchrotron Source (CHESS) for x-ray experiments.
- Laboratory of Atomic and Solid State Physics (LASSP) Machine Shop for machining new components out of virtually any metal or plastic.
- Cornell’s renown Cornell Nanofabricaton Facility (CNF) for fabricating microfluidic devices, and sample holders.
- Biotechnology Resource Center: Imaging Facility for access to the most advanced lasers and imaging tools.